Sierra Leone like many other countries in Africa relies largely on imported goods. Over the years we’ve seen large quantities of goods and commodities coming into Sierra Leone. According to data from World Integrated Trade Solutions, Sierra Leone’s exports of goods and services as a percentage of GDP is 12.83% and imports of goods and services as a…
Buying and selling of goods and services online is not a new form of business transaction; it has existed for decades and evolved rapidly overtime. The development of Science and Technology, smart phones, computers, including other electronic devices -has over the years made it a lot easier to buy or sell products over the internet…
According to the statistics office in Sierra Leone, the average year-over-year inflation rate for food and non-food items is 26.65% and 23.98%, respectively. These are most likely massaged and conservative numbers. The reality here is that most Sierra Leoneans are living by some "miracle." The new leones have quickly devaluated against the dollar at a rate we've…
According to data reports, Sierra Leone's population grew by 2% from 2021 to 2022. The current population is estimated to be 8.22 million, and as of January 2022, 2.67 million of the total population were internet users. The 2.67 million internet users is a 12.5 % increase compared to 2021. More Sierra Leoneans have flocked…
Redenomination of currency is not a new phenomenon. Most underdeveloped countries have gone through such an exercise with varying economic results. Ghana did it in 2007, and Zimbabwe did it in 2009. Both countries had significant challenges with the implementation, but Ghana had more positive results. This was because they had relatively stable macroeconomic conditions…
Managing home-building projects in Sierra Leone is increasingly challenging with the global economic outlook. The cost of building materials is very high, and the prices are also volatile. Family members and friends acting as project managers or building site supervisors on behalf of their loved ones in diaspora find it challenging to communicate an accurate…
In this 21st century, businesses' success sometimes becomes dependent on accessibility via traditional and digitized means. Companies offering online purchasing with delivery or pick-up choices instantaneously possess an edge over businesses without an online presence.
247big market, a product of BAAJA Technologies LLC, is an online platform ( created for businesses within Sierra Leone to…
In both Christian and Muslim religions, the Holy Month is known as Lent and Ramadan. During this period, persons practicing the faith engage in prayer and fasting. Christians use this period to reflect on Jesus's teaching, including his 40 days of fasting. They also prepare themselves for the resurrection celebration, which is the foundation of…
Are you’re looking for an African country with all the tasty and assorted meals? Brace up! you’ve just arrived at your destination! Sierra Leone is a country known for its delicious rich food and culture. The capital Freetown hosts tons of international restaurants and the real Salone dishes are made by locals. So, you…
Sierra Leone has it all when it comes to tourism. The wildlife reserve, history, culture, people, and a homely climate. So, despite the troubles of civil war faced by Sierra Leone, it still remains a must-see for tourists that love nature, wildlife and African culture. Let us introduce you to Tiwai Wildlife Reserve and…